Motivational March

Happy first day of March! If you follow me on Instagram @coralbuttons then you already know that I dubbed this month as Motivational March.

I decided that each day in March I will set small daily goals to achieve. Some days it will be personal or health goals, other days career goals, some days a blend!

Goals for Day 1:

Say 3 positive things to myself

I’m starting the month off right by continuing to stay positive and keep negative thoughts out of my mind and mouth. More positive energy you put out, the better you feel.

Say a positive thing to 3 people

Why not spread the positive vibes! Everybody can use encouragement because you never know what someone is truly going through. I want to help uplift others however I can.

Drink 3 bottles of water

I’m doing this to strengthen my hair, nails, and skin and because I want to take better care of my body! Putting healthy food and more water into my diet allows me to feel less sluggish and more productive.

Are you going to join me for Motivational March?

Write down your own daily goals in the comments below and stop by Coral Buttons weekly (sometimes more!) to stay updated with my goal progress.

Have a great weekend!

Hair Spotlight: Lemonade Braids

Happy Hump Day lovelies!!!

Today, I am showcasing a new protective style perfect for when your natural hair needs a break!

Side braids, also know as lemonade braids (thanks to Queen Bey), are a simple, but fierce style. Lemonade braids add a touch of sophistication and edge to any look.


Depending on whichever side is your “good side” or how you are use to wearing your hair, let that determine which side is slicked back and which side the braids will fall on. I am right handed and consider my right side my “good side,” so that’s the way I wanted my braids to fall.

Upkeep for the braids are simple; wrap them up in a scarf or bonnet at night and unwrap in the morning. Piece of cake!..Which I kind of want a piece of now after mentioning it 🙂

I unfortunately felt stuck with my natural hair so to get out of my hair funk, I tried this look and loved it!

basic look

It is okay to not be in love with your hair every moment, just make sure you take care of it and it will flourish. Sometimes all you need is a new look to make you appreciate the hair God blessed you with.

Having natural hair requires a lot of trial and error. Some products may work for your mom and best friend, but does absolutely nothing for your hair and that’s okay because you will find something that definitely works for you.

My “hair funks” or feeling stuck and powerless because I am not sure what to do with my hair usually goes away pretty quickly. I’ve been natural for going on 4 years and it is still a learning process.

But do I regret going natural or want to go back to the creamy crack, never!! Being natural is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. So love your short fro, long curly hair, kinky bush, or long lemonade braids. Embrace it baby ❤

P.S. This is my favorite picture out of the group…super dramatic super edgy


Talk to you all again soon!!!



Protective Style Tips- Wigs!

Hello lovelies. Hope all is well 🙂

Can you believe that June is one day away! Wasn’t it New Year’s Day like a few days ago??

As I mentioned before, I consider 2017 the year of change because I have a few big goals I am achieving this year.

wig 1

So with me focusing on change this year I decided to switch up my hairstyle and try out a wig. Not only is it a cute look to try, but also gives my real hair a much needed break.

The first tip when it comes to wig shopping is deciding which hairstyle you think will fit your face. I went with a shoulder length bob with a bang. It’s simple and easy to upkeep and when I had relaxed hair, bobs were my go-to style so I knew it would look okay!

The second tip is wig maintenance. Making sure the hair is clean, straightened or curled (depending on your hairstyle), and washed when necessary.

wig 2

The third tip is braid up your hair underneath the wig so that your hair lies flat. The fourth tip and most important tip in my opinion is making sure your natural hair under the wig is properly taken care of.

Don’t neglect your natural hair because you have a wig on!!!

Make sure your hair is moisturized, braided up, and, in short, properly protected. Still wash your hair as often as you did before wearing the wig.

The fifth tip is to enjoy every moment with your new look and love the fact that you can take it off and go back to your usual hairstyle whenever you want to.

wig 3

Hope this post peaked your wig interest! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Dressing Room Chronicles

Good morning! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far!dc1

My week has been extremely productive. I have been working on achieving a few of my smaller goals while getting closer to my bigger goals.

One of my goals for 2017 was to start blogging weekly and so far I can proudly say that I am meeting that expectation!

Today’s post focuses on a unique outfit I put together recently. When wearing this outfit, I went to a few different dressing rooms to see where I can get a great shot, hence the title being “Dressing Room Chronicles.”

My look: I wore a high neck, floral print, crop top from Nordstrom Rack.  A pair of gray joggers from Forever 21 and for my shoes, floral print Vans!


Wearing sneakers is definitely out of the norm for me, but the floral pattern gives the shoes a chic edge which I loved.

The joggers allowed me to stay comfortable, while the crop top let me show off my creative side and the Vans helped tie the look together…no pun intended!

I’ve always been a big fan of print mixing and matching. My crop top and shoes are floral patterned, but differ in the size of the flowers and the colors. I think that it still worked out quite nicely together!

I don’t wear makeup often, but when I do definitely make sure I put on lipstick! I wore a red lip from the Burt’s Bees collection. Also, I tried a new pose to give me a touch of street chicness to my look.

What do you all think of this look? Leave a comment below to share your opinions and have a great weekend lovelies ❤

I was in a Fashion Show!

The weekend that recently passed I was in a fashion show! I got to pick the theme and pull an outfit together to rock on the runway.fs2

Since I love weddings, I decided to go with a bridal theme. I wore my old graduation dress from highschool, which is actually a real wedding dress!

I then accessorized the look with a veil and a fake flower bouquet. I wore black chunky heels and a beautiful pearl choker necklace.

I wore a little bit of makeup, which is new to me, but something super fun to dabble in every once in a while! I had on Covergirl BB Cream, rose blush, and bold red lipstick.

I decided to go with my fro out instead of puffballs. It’s a simpler look that I felt went well with my theme.

For the event, I  had to perform a talent. I love acting and improv so I did a memorized version of Tyra Banks yelling at Tiffany Richards on the elimination episode of ANTM Cycle 4. It was a lot of fun!model

I designed my own gloves from a t-shirt that was given to me by the fashion show coordinators. This show was partially for fun but also a big deal! (pardon the bad quality of the picture to the right, I was in motion!)

Based on my photoshoot, talent I performed and how I worked the runway, I have a chance to get a job in the modeling, film, and/or tv industry. The first place prize gets a year long contract which is an agreement to try and find a job for me in one of the industries mentioned above.

Professional agents will look over everything that was filmed (photos, talent, runway) and on September 10th I find out if I am the finalist for the prize. Wish me luck ❤

Playful Puffballs

I went to the hairdresser recently to get my ends trimmed and to make sure my hair was healthy overall…which it is! Yay! ^-^
I was looking for something fun and different to do with my hair and I really looovveeeddd the idea of puffballs and luckily my hairdresser made that happen for me.

My new look for a bit is 2 mini puffs with a part straight down the middle and then have the rest of my hair out and curly in the back.

It’s a super easy style to maintain and I think it is super adorable. My ultimate goal is to have 2 huge puffballs, but for now I am rocking my mini puffs.

The picture included in this post to the bottom right is of IMG_20160803_185740Shawn and I after our hairdresser date. Fresh from the hairdresser, with our ends trimmed and feeling beautiful 🙂

The other photo pictured top left is from a photo shoot I did recently for my fashion show that will take place Saturday, as mentioned before in my previous post.

In that picture I am also rocking a little bit of pink blush and purple lipstick, which is a new look for me.

So far I am loving my cute mini puffballs and look forward to more growth!!! ❤



Make-up Free Week

Why you should go make-up free for a week!makeup

1) It will save you time

Normally, doing makeup in the morning can take thirty minutes to an hour or longer before you go to work or run out to do your errands. Why not spend that extra thirty minutes or hour getting a little more sleep or eating breakfast!

2) It will allow your natural beauty to show

By wearing makeup, your natural beauty is hidden under your cosmetics. Instead of wearing makeup, let the world see your natural rosy cheeks, your long eyelashes, and even show off your freckles! Being natural is beautiful.

makeup quote3) This will give you younger looking and healthier

Some makeup clogs your pores and makes it difficult for your skin to keep its PH balance. If you have sensitive skin, makeup can actually make you get acne. Letting your face breathe and take a break for a week from makeup can leave your skin glowing and look brighter than ever!

 4) It can save you money

Imagine not buying any lipstick, mascara, blush, or even foundation for a week or two. Over time that can save you a lot more money which you could invest in other items or activities. Maybe reduce buying makeup to twice every couple of weeks and little by little try to spend less on your makeup collection!

 5) It will send a positive message
If you have a daughter or younger girl that looks up to you, seeing yo u go makeup free for a week  is a positive outlook. She will see you being natural while still looking good without makeup and maybe follow in your same footsteps.

There’s nothing wrong with wearing makeup! Wearing it from time to time can actually make you feel prettier and maybe even a bit classier. Just remember to love your natural beauty as well as your beautiful made up face!

P.S. if you enjoyed this post you might want to check out:

My Natural Hair Journey
How to wear Marsala
Dressing your best, leads to success