“Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhimes – Book Review

Hey hey! Can you believe that we are almost through the first month of 2019? I hope you are still sticking to your resolutions if you made them or are working on achieving your goals daily.

One of the tasks on my 2019 goal list was to read more books and I’m starting the year off great because I just finished my first one: “Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun, and Be Your Own Person.” 10/10 rating!


This book is like a rollercoaster you won’t want to stop riding. Every page is full of Shonda Rhimes personal stories, guarenteed to keep you entertained from start to finish. She offers honest and humbling advice from the problems she faced over the years and shows readers how she overcame them.


This book actually came to be because Shonda’s sister Delorse said six words to her “you never say yes to anything.” Those 6 words sparked a fire in Shonda’s soul and made her realize that her sister was absolutely correct. She vowed to say “yes” to everything for a year. “Yes” to every event, “yes” to every interview, “yes” to every guest appearance or photoshoot, literally “yes” to everything that took her out of her comfort zone or scared her.


Throughout the book you see that her “Year of Yes” was extremely challenging. She actually had to say yes to speaking at her alma mater Dartmouth College and she did an amazing job! Her Dartmouth speech is in her book and online as well, I definitely suggest checking it out. She had to say “yes” to spending more time with her kids and not letting work or events become more important than quality time with her babies. She had to say “yes” to a healthier lifestyle in order to reach the weight she wanted to be.

Throughout the book you saw her growth from start to finish. We see her having mini panic attacks and struggle to say “yes” to things, but we also see her overcome these obstacles and that’s what really inspired me. She didn’t give up during her “Year of Yes” and she also realizes that saying “yes” to one thing sometimes means saying “no” to negative things and negative people.


Sometimes when she was feeling sad or stressed out and needed a confident boost, she would strike a Wonder Woman pose to make herself feel powerful and like she can conquer anything she sets out to do. It may seem strange to break out into a random pose, but try it, trust me it works!

In the book, we also see how important it is to surround yourself with good people or your “ride or dies” as Shonda calls them. Those people who will pick you up when you are doing veal practice (Shonda’s term for laying motionless on the couch lol) and who will keep motivating you to continue your “Year of Yes.” You have to surround yourself with people who support you, want the best for you, and will help you reach your goals. She admits that she couldn’t be the amazing and talented woman she is today if it wasn’t for a lot of help from others.


Few of my favorite quotes from the book:

1) “Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He is very dreamy,” she says. “But he is not the sun. You are.” “

2) “I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.”

3) “You don’t want a baby? Don’t have one. I don’t want to get married? I won’t. You want to live alone? Enjoy it. You want to love someone? Love someone. Don’t apologize. Don’t explain. Don’t ever feel less than.”

4) “Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be.”

5) “Saying yes . . . saying yes is courage. Saying yes is the sun. Saying yes is life.”


As her “Year of Yes” is coming to a close she realizes that saying “yes” isn’t as hard as she thought it was. Reading about her growth during just one year of saying “yes” and doing things that made her uncomfortable truly made me self reflect and think about areas of my life where I may need to say “yes” more or “no” more to negative people and things.

I had so much fun reading this book because it was like Shonda Rhimes and I were holding a conversation with each other and she was my mentor and role model telling me I can make it, learn from the things she’s been through, and keep moving forward.


Hello 2019!

Happy New Year! ❤

Welcome to 2019! Today is page 1 of 365 in your blank book. How do you plan on filling up the pages of your book?

Do you plan on going back to school? Do you want to finally take that leap of faith by moving to a new state? Do you want to travel more than last year? Do you want to face one of your biggest fears this year?

Whatever it is that you want to do, go for it! Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way of achieving the tasks and goals you want to obtain this year.

In this post I will share my list of goals/tasks I want to achieve in 2019. Remember that you should have a few goals you want to achieve this year, but also maintain balance in regards to your goals. Don’t stress yourself out or overwhelm yourself trying to do so many goals at once. Take things slow and stay focused on specific tasks and everything will work out. Take a look at my list below.

2019 Goals

1) Figure out/research what career I want and take steps towards it

In October 2017, I moved to LA to follow my dreams of getting into the fashion and entertainment world. It was a huge leap of faith, but I am happy I did it. I’ve already been promoted and I can only go up from here. But this year I really want to discover my passion and work towards that in order to make something I love my lifelong career.

2)  Get Driver’s License

A self explanatory goal lol. I’m 24 and don’t have my license yet which isn’t a terrible thing, but I do want to be able to drive sooner rather than later!

3) Read a book a month/more books in general

I have so many books in my house on a variety of topics. I have books on exercise and health, self-help and lifestyle, fashion, art, and so much more. I didn’t make time to read them in 2018 so 2019 will be the year I read a lot more.

4) Pick up a new skill

I want to learn a new skill because learning, growing, and changing is amazing. I might try a new form of exercise like dance or aerial yoga. Maybe I will try my hand at photography or painting or learning a new language. I want a new skill that will be beneficial to me and fun at the same time.

5) Get a video camera

I want to make videos for my own Youtube channel and I want to take better pictures for my blog here and for my Instagram @Coralbuttons as well. To do those things I need a great camera so getting one is on the agenda for this year.

6) Continue to practice self-love and self-care daily

Another self explanatory goal, but this one is super important. I already consider myself a positive and happy person, but theres always room for improvement and for more positive energy. I plan on continuing to meditate, do yoga and treat myself to personal days to feel refreshed. Take time for yourself and your body, you need it lovelies!

What did you think of my goal list? Let me know in the comments below your own goal list for 2019! Have a great year everyone!


2017 is coming…Are you ready?

The weather is getting colder, we are actually expecting snow this weekend in Baltimore!

Christmas is 12 days away, the new year is 19 days away…this year has flown by.

2017 will be here before you know it, but are you ready for it?

Are you ready to reach your dreams and goals in 2017? What are some of the major changes you are looking forward to next year?

Here is a list of 5 of my own goals for the new year:

1) Submit articles to online magazines and maybe become a blogger or regular contributor for them

2) Reach out to more stylists, fashion bloggers, and people who run their own fashion related companies on social media and look into collaborating with them and/or becoming a brand ambassador

3) Redo/improve my blog and post weekly

4) Buy a new laptop and video camera to start working on my own youtube channel

5) Look into more fashion related events I can attend in Baltimore

There is a #1 goal that will also take place next year that I will announce early in the new year with all of the details in another blog post.

Stay positive as Christmas and New Year rolls around. You can achieve all of your wildest dreams and aspirations, just work hard at it!

Love Tati  ❤

And below is a picture of me embracing this cold weather lol ~


My First Professional Photoshoot!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Can you believe that we are almost halfway through October already? I feel like Christmas and 2017 will be here before we know it!

Today’s post will be in more of a lookbook style. I recently did a photoshoot which went well.

I wore a green floral crop top, neon pink joggers, and brownish-orange sandals. See photos from my shoot below!

img_7006Which picture is your favorite? Comment below! ❤

Happy New Year!!!

Hello lovelies ❤

I know it has been forever and a day since I’ve written on my baby Coral Buttons. A lot has taken place that caused my hiatus from blogging.

The biggest event being: I graduated college!!!…yay, finally!! So the past few weeks I worked extremely hard and tirelessly to finish my last semester of college strong.

Im glad to say that I am now a Hood College graduate with a Bachelors degree in Communication Arts and a minor in Theatre. I’m excited to walk the stage in May of 2016!

Aside from graduating college I have been applying to numerous, numerous jobs…as everyone knows is a lot of non-fun work. But the odd jobs I do now will help me get closer to my dream job of becoming a fashion media reporter.

Moving back home from dorm life for 3 1/2 years is an adventure all in itself. The move was successful but there is still a lot of unpacking to be done.

I am just trying to stay strong and positive with so many changes, transitions, and growth taking place in my life. 2016 will be a bigger and better year than 2015!

Enjoy your new year everyone and I hope you have a blessed 2016!