5 Quotes That Will Uplift Your Day

Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday so far! For day six of Motivational March my tip is: Find a few quotes that speak to you in your current situation.

No matter what life is throwing at you right now, understand that you will make it. Stay strong, focused, and motivated!


Below are 5 quotes that will uplift your day!

1) “Your bounce back is always going to be greater than your setback.” – Jeannie Mai, Stylist, TV personality & Host

My tip: You may feel knocked down by whatever challenges you are facing right now, but just know that once you get back on your feet, you will be stronger than ever.

2) “I don’t know what my path is yet, I’m just walking on it.” – Olivia Newton-John, Singer-Songwriter

My tip: You may be confused about what path is the correct one to take in life and that is ok. Just take life a day at a time and remember that baby steps are still steps!

3) “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis, Writer

My tip: Don’t focus so much on the past. You can remember it and grow from it, but realize that you have a whole future in front of you that you can make amazing.


4) “A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.” – Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

My tip: Go for it! It’s easy to play it safe, but that’s not what’s best. Get out of your comfort zone, embrace the changes, and you will soon realize your new space is way better than your safe space.

5) “Surround yourself with only people  who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey, Media Executive, TV Host & Producer, Philanthropist

My tip: I see this quote as a reminder to have positive and uplifting people around you. You want to grow with like-minded and supportive people. Negative energy has no place around you.


Have a great day and remember, you got this!

Hello 2019!

Happy New Year! ❤

Welcome to 2019! Today is page 1 of 365 in your blank book. How do you plan on filling up the pages of your book?

Do you plan on going back to school? Do you want to finally take that leap of faith by moving to a new state? Do you want to travel more than last year? Do you want to face one of your biggest fears this year?

Whatever it is that you want to do, go for it! Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way of achieving the tasks and goals you want to obtain this year.

In this post I will share my list of goals/tasks I want to achieve in 2019. Remember that you should have a few goals you want to achieve this year, but also maintain balance in regards to your goals. Don’t stress yourself out or overwhelm yourself trying to do so many goals at once. Take things slow and stay focused on specific tasks and everything will work out. Take a look at my list below.

2019 Goals

1) Figure out/research what career I want and take steps towards it

In October 2017, I moved to LA to follow my dreams of getting into the fashion and entertainment world. It was a huge leap of faith, but I am happy I did it. I’ve already been promoted and I can only go up from here. But this year I really want to discover my passion and work towards that in order to make something I love my lifelong career.

2)  Get Driver’s License

A self explanatory goal lol. I’m 24 and don’t have my license yet which isn’t a terrible thing, but I do want to be able to drive sooner rather than later!

3) Read a book a month/more books in general

I have so many books in my house on a variety of topics. I have books on exercise and health, self-help and lifestyle, fashion, art, and so much more. I didn’t make time to read them in 2018 so 2019 will be the year I read a lot more.

4) Pick up a new skill

I want to learn a new skill because learning, growing, and changing is amazing. I might try a new form of exercise like dance or aerial yoga. Maybe I will try my hand at photography or painting or learning a new language. I want a new skill that will be beneficial to me and fun at the same time.

5) Get a video camera

I want to make videos for my own Youtube channel and I want to take better pictures for my blog here and for my Instagram @Coralbuttons as well. To do those things I need a great camera so getting one is on the agenda for this year.

6) Continue to practice self-love and self-care daily

Another self explanatory goal, but this one is super important. I already consider myself a positive and happy person, but theres always room for improvement and for more positive energy. I plan on continuing to meditate, do yoga and treat myself to personal days to feel refreshed. Take time for yourself and your body, you need it lovelies!

What did you think of my goal list? Let me know in the comments below your own goal list for 2019! Have a great year everyone!


Merry Christmas!

I hope that you are enjoying your day with your friends and family!

This time can be joyous and full of fun and laughter and it can also be hard for some people who can’t be with their families or don’t have any family to spend time with.

I just wanted to let you know that you are strong and loved! Even if you are alone on Christmas today or not feeling the best, brighter and better days are coming.

Take a walk, start reading a book that you’ve been wanting to read, jot down some inspirational notes in your journal, or say a few reasons why you are thankful today. Clearing your mind and taking some time to do something beneficial for yourself will make you feel better.

I just wanted to drop some holiday motivation for you lovelies today. Stay beautiful and happy holidays!


Hair Spotlight: Marley Twists

Happy Friday!

Today I wanted to showcase my most recent hairstyle, Marley Twists!


I’ve been getting my hair braided/twisted by other people for the past few years and I realized that I save money by doing my own hair and it’s also a cool skill to have. After numerous youtube videos and attempts, I’ve begun to master doing protective styles on my own hair.

This is actually my first time twisting my hair, the other times before this I did box braids. The purpose of the twists is to be a protective style for my natural hair, meaning it gives my real hair a break. My hands aren’t constantly in my hair and my hair grows while it’s in the twists.


It took me almost 7 hours to do this marley twist style so if you are planning on learning how to do your own hair, make sure you set aside one of your days off to do it and have a few movies or tv shows to binge while doing it.


I would eventually love to do a video showcasing me doing my own hair. Stay tuned for that!

What protective styles do you like? Let me know in the comments below. Have a great weekend!


Motivational March

Happy first day of March! If you follow me on Instagram @coralbuttons then you already know that I dubbed this month as Motivational March.

I decided that each day in March I will set small daily goals to achieve. Some days it will be personal or health goals, other days career goals, some days a blend!

Goals for Day 1:

Say 3 positive things to myself

I’m starting the month off right by continuing to stay positive and keep negative thoughts out of my mind and mouth. More positive energy you put out, the better you feel.

Say a positive thing to 3 people

Why not spread the positive vibes! Everybody can use encouragement because you never know what someone is truly going through. I want to help uplift others however I can.

Drink 3 bottles of water

I’m doing this to strengthen my hair, nails, and skin and because I want to take better care of my body! Putting healthy food and more water into my diet allows me to feel less sluggish and more productive.

Are you going to join me for Motivational March?

Write down your own daily goals in the comments below and stop by Coral Buttons weekly (sometimes more!) to stay updated with my goal progress.

Have a great weekend!

Last month of 2017!

It’s December! The last month of 2017 has arrived. Can you believe it?

This month I am focusing on self love and care. As the year comes to a close and holiday season approaches everything can seem overwhelming.


Take time this month to reflect on the positive things that happened to you this year. If you didn’t meet all the goals you wanted to meet this year that’s ok because next year you can push harder, work faster, and you can get it done.

Don’t give up on yourself and don’t hesitate to take time out each day or each week this month to meditate and reflect on 2017.


In this post, you’ve seen 2 new pieces in my wardrobe! I purchased these items as a self care moment, I’ve been working hard and haven’t shopped in a while so I decided to splurge a bit.

The 2 new items are my Topshop denim jacket and lavender Asos pants! I paired the jacket and pants with a mesh vneck top by Lycra, and my go to comfy black TOMS.

Make time this month to do something you love and enjoy because self love and care is important and should be practiced every day.

Ways to practice self love and care:

1) Meditate with music or in silence

2) Try a new activity to expand your horizons (yoga, hiking, acting classes)

3) Treat yourself to a spa day

4) Shopping trip

5) Watch a childhood movie you loved watching growing up

6) Write a list of 10 things you love about yourself or 10 things you are good at

7) Drink more water

8) Say positive affirmations everyday (I am intelligent, creative, etc)

Hope you use some or all of these tips this month. Take care lovelies!


Fresh & Fulfilled February

Happy 2nd day of February everyone! Can you believe that one month of 2017 has already gone by? It’s amazing!ff2

Are you all sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions so far or achieving all the goals you set for yourself? Hopefully you are and if you need a little push, I believe in you! 🙂

I came into 2017 focused on my future, planning, career, relationships, and of course my goals.

Recently, I decided to set small, progressive goals for every week in February and possibly even after this month. I am doing this because goal setting is important, keeps you balanced and on track, and it definitely feels great when you achieve them!
ff1This weeks goal was to focus on self-love and take extra care of my body. As you mightve seen in my previous blog post here, I made a smoothie which was delicious, healthy, and great for my body.

I also did a cleansing facial wash which was relaxing, refreshing, and left my skin feeling super soft and smooth. Sometimes you have to take time to focus on your body and just love yourself a little extra!

Would you be willing to give the weekly goal setting challenge a try? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Enjoy your weekend lovelies ❤

Kehlani’s ‘SweetSexySavage’ Promotes Self-Awareness, Honesty, and Growth

This isn’t going to be a traditional blog post featured on Coral Buttons, because I couldn’t let another day go by without showing love to one of my favorite artists!

Yesterday, Kehlani released her debut album titled SweetSexySavage! I actually first fell in love with Kehlani and her voice on America’s Got Talent when she went on the show with a group of teens and kids from Oakland as the band Poplyfe.

I rooted for them the entire season to win 1st place, but they got 4th which is still pretty awesome. From AGT, Kehlani eventually went solo and I’ve been following her music and growth ever since. Speaking about her debut album, I believe that she couldn’t have chosen a better title.

All of the songs on the album can fall into one of the categories of either Sweet, Sexy, or Savage. I am not sure if that’s what she was going for, but I love it and made a fun little game out of deciding which song falls into which category.

Now let’s get into why I love this album and love what it promotes. Kehlani is a 21 year old young woman who has been through a lot of heartbreak, drama, chaos, and sadness like a lot of us (I am only 22 myself!). She genuinely poured her heart out into this album and she was an open and honest book with the experiences she discusses.

I don’t want to put specifics about each individual song because you may want to listen and form your own opinion, but I will list a few of my personal thoughts 🙂

In her songs she discusses finding and losing love and happiness and struggling with personal issues. You can’t please the world when you yourself aren’t fulfilled and happy.

SweetSexySavage is also a coming of age story where she tells us that she has been through some rough patches and she may not have dealt with all of the issues of her past, but she is still here and stronger than ever before.

It is hard to pick just one favorite song from SweetSexySavage, but I think I will choose “Piece of Mind” as my fave!

I could go on and on about how amazing her album is, but that’s no fun. Go out and listen for yourself! It’s definitely worth listening to! Also, she is coming to perform in Baltimore in April and I am definitely going!  ❤ #SSS