Coral Buttons: An Origin Story

Happy first day of March everyone! I realized that some of you may be new to reading my blog so why not share the story of how Coral Buttons came to be.


My blog, Coral Buttons, originated in one of my Communication Arts classes at Hood College. I went to college initially thinking that I wanted to major in English, but after a few Comm Arts classes, I fell in love with communications. I enjoyed the fact that communications encompassed so many platforms such as photography, digital media, social media, newspaper and magazine writing, and journalism.

One of the assignments for my class was to create a blog and post weekly or more often if I chose to. I’ve loved writing since I was younger and it came easy for me so blogging for a class seemed like fun work. Before I dove into writing posts, I had to actually create the blog. We used WordPress as our blog site, which I clearly still use to this day.

Our first step after setting up a WordPress profile and choosing our blog layout, was to pick a topic. Growing up, I watched wedding and fashion shows sometimes more than cartoons…don’t judege me! So even from a young age I knew that fashion and styling was an interest of mine so I decided to choose fashion as my overall blog theme.

The next step was picking a name. I struggled with this for a while and googled blog titles non-stop for a few days until I stumbled upon a great blog title template. The template said choose one of your favorite colors and something related to your blog and that can be your blog title. One of my favorite colors is Coral and buttons relate to fashion so put the two together and Coral Buttons was formed.


My professor loved the title and so did I. Once I gave my blog a name, in a weird way, I felt that I gave birth to a blog baby. I created this website from scratch and now it was mine to do as I wished with it.

The final step in Coral Buttons origin story was to write. As I mentioned above, I already had a love for writing before the class began. All I had to do was write 200-500 word posts and include some pictures and videos and bam, I was blogging. The more posts I wrote, the more I realized that blogging was not just homework for me but also a hobby that I enjoyed. I got to write about things that interested me and offer advice to people who were reading it and gave people a glimpse into my style, my ideas, and events happening in my life.

After the class ended I didn’t want to stop blogging because i fell in love with it. Going on six years later, Coral Buttons is stronger and better than ever. Hope you enjoyed learning about my blog history!



Also, its Day 1 of Motivational March so throughout the month I will be sharing motivational tips and advice to help inspire you. Tip of the day:

Remember that everyone has an origin story. Oprah didn’t start off as  one of the best TV hosts ever. Serena Williams didn’t start off as the #1 tennis player in the world. Barack Obama didnt start off as the first African American president.
Each one started off in a different space compared to where they are now, so whether you are at the start or middle of your journey or you’re completed lost on your journey, just know you have more to your story. 👏🏽

Have a great weekend!


Hello 2019!

Happy New Year! ❤

Welcome to 2019! Today is page 1 of 365 in your blank book. How do you plan on filling up the pages of your book?

Do you plan on going back to school? Do you want to finally take that leap of faith by moving to a new state? Do you want to travel more than last year? Do you want to face one of your biggest fears this year?

Whatever it is that you want to do, go for it! Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way of achieving the tasks and goals you want to obtain this year.

In this post I will share my list of goals/tasks I want to achieve in 2019. Remember that you should have a few goals you want to achieve this year, but also maintain balance in regards to your goals. Don’t stress yourself out or overwhelm yourself trying to do so many goals at once. Take things slow and stay focused on specific tasks and everything will work out. Take a look at my list below.

2019 Goals

1) Figure out/research what career I want and take steps towards it

In October 2017, I moved to LA to follow my dreams of getting into the fashion and entertainment world. It was a huge leap of faith, but I am happy I did it. I’ve already been promoted and I can only go up from here. But this year I really want to discover my passion and work towards that in order to make something I love my lifelong career.

2)  Get Driver’s License

A self explanatory goal lol. I’m 24 and don’t have my license yet which isn’t a terrible thing, but I do want to be able to drive sooner rather than later!

3) Read a book a month/more books in general

I have so many books in my house on a variety of topics. I have books on exercise and health, self-help and lifestyle, fashion, art, and so much more. I didn’t make time to read them in 2018 so 2019 will be the year I read a lot more.

4) Pick up a new skill

I want to learn a new skill because learning, growing, and changing is amazing. I might try a new form of exercise like dance or aerial yoga. Maybe I will try my hand at photography or painting or learning a new language. I want a new skill that will be beneficial to me and fun at the same time.

5) Get a video camera

I want to make videos for my own Youtube channel and I want to take better pictures for my blog here and for my Instagram @Coralbuttons as well. To do those things I need a great camera so getting one is on the agenda for this year.

6) Continue to practice self-love and self-care daily

Another self explanatory goal, but this one is super important. I already consider myself a positive and happy person, but theres always room for improvement and for more positive energy. I plan on continuing to meditate, do yoga and treat myself to personal days to feel refreshed. Take time for yourself and your body, you need it lovelies!

What did you think of my goal list? Let me know in the comments below your own goal list for 2019! Have a great year everyone!


It’s Finally Fall!…Kind Of

It’s the 6th day of fall, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it.

In Baltimore, the weather has been teetering between 70 and 80 degrees!

20170920_101720Since the weather isn’t chilly just yet I am still embracing the beautiful weather and wearing my spring/summer clothes.

I paired a blue bodycon dress with an african-print skirt. I tucked my dress into my skirt to make it look like a shirt and it turned out great!


I adore this skirt because of the numerous colors on it. I can pair almost anything with it because of the varying shades of blue, white, green, purple and gold in it.

To complete this look, I wore my navy blue sandals and, of course,  my signature pearl bracelets.


I got a lot of compliments on this look and people were surprised when I told them my shirt was actually a dress tucked in. I love using my clothing in different ways.

A great fashion tip is investing in staple article of clothing that is versatile. For example, my blue bodycon dress that can be worn as a shirt tucked in, a skirt folded over, and as a dress.


The more ways you can reuse your clothing, the more outfits you can make and the more money you will save on buying clothes!

Have a good weekend lovelies ❤

I Made A YouTube Channel!

Happy Friday lovelies!

The weather is beautiful, I’ve been keeping busy with work and focusing on some of my goals!

One of my goals that I finally achieved was starting a youtube channel. Since I want to be a fashion correspondent, I need some “on-air” experience so a Youtube channel is the perfect way to get some!

On my channel I plan on discussing hair, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle, similar to what I discuss right here on Coral Buttons.

I hope that my channel gets me one step closer to fulfilling that fashion reporter dream and not only that, I also hope that my channel can be a source of encouragement to anyone who needs it.

I plan to include positive, inspirational, and uplifting messages in every video! Only one video is up for now, but don’t worry more fun and fashionable videos are in the future.

Have an amazing weekend!

P.S. Link to Talking with Tati:

2 Year Blogoversary!!

It’s been 2 years since I started Coral Buttons back in junior year of college!

I am happy with the direction in which my blog is going and it can only get better from here. This post will be a simple, fun one!

I will answer a few questions about myself/my blog and also post links to a few of my favorite blog posts over the past 2 years.

Well let’s begin!

How old are you?
I am 21 and turn 22 on November 18th ~ #scorpio

What’s your ultimate career goal?
To be a fashion reporter or on-air correspondent on ENews!

Who is your career role model?
Zuri Hall who is a young, beautiful and talented African American woman who is currently an ENews correspondent and has done so much already in just 28 years.

Favorite type of clothing and shoes?
Definitely dresses and I love flats. Flats include TOMs, Converses, ballerina flats, etc…I love them all!

Who is your fashion role model?
Stacy London because not only is she super stylish and has an excellent sense of fashion, but she uses her fashion skills to help other women on shows like “How Do I Look” and “Love, Lust or Run.” She teaches people how to dress and how to love themselves.

How long have you been natural?
I have been natural for 2.5 years and I love it. March 2014 I big chopped and cut off all of my hair and have been growing it out bigger, healthier, and more beautiful ever since.

What did you study in college?
I studied Communication Arts and Theater & Drama and got my Bachelors degree last December.

Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging for a Online Journalism class in college and I picked fashion as my topic because that is what I love and the career path I plan on going into.

Why the name Coral Buttons for your blog?
I chose Coral Buttons really randomly actually. I was having a lot of trouble picking out a name so I googled things to help me. One source said combine 2 random things relating to your blog topic and make that your name. I went with coral since it is one of my favorite colors and buttons because they are simple and relate to clothes just the right amount. Hence, Coral Buttons was born!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself in Los Angeles, California with my now boyfriend, but future husband. I am working in the fashion industry either writing for a fashion magazine, reporting fashion or celebrity related news on a local news station, or fulfilling my ultimate career goal and corresponding on ENews!

Thanks for reading a few answers to some fun questions! Below are links to a few of my favorite blog posts so please check them out by clicking the titles ❤

Attire Academy – A post focused on a fashion video I edited and recorded by myself

A look back at my time in Seoul – A post recapping my study abroad experience in Seoul, South Korea

Traveling through Time – A post where I discuss vintage clothes and try some on

The Book of Me: Future Edition – A post where I write about my life in the future as small excerpts in a book

I hope you had fun learning soome new information about me and my lovely blog. Follow Coral Buttons to keep updated with all the exciting things happening in my life.

Thanks for stopping by,

Love, Tati ❤




I Was Featured…

To complete my title sentence, I (and Coral Buttons) was featured on another fashion blog, specialwhich is awesome!

This will be a short post, but I just wanted to tell all of my lovely readers and followers the exciting news!

I was featured on a blog ran by the lovely Elle Lux called Luxury Ready to Wear.

She has a section on her blog called The Bloggers Lounge where she features other bloggers and a few questions she asked them.

My Blogger Lounge spotlight can be found here. It’s a fun read, check it out ^-^

If you are interested in this awesome opportunity, follow the steps here and join in on the fun!

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies ❤

I Won An Award!

A sweet and beautiful blogger named Melisa has nominated me for the Liebster Award and I am super excited about it! Everyone should go check out her fabulous blog: Thank you so much for nominating me!


For all of you who are as clueless as I was when I first heard about this award, I will give you all of the details.

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by fellow bloggers. This award helps unite bloggers, discover new bloggers, and overall shows love to your fellow bloggers!

The 5 Liebster Award Rules
1) Post the award picture on your blog
2) Thank the lovely blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
3) Write 11 random facts about yourself
4) Nominate 11 awesome bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers
5) Answer the 11 questions posted by the blogger who nominated you and ask your nominees 11 questions

Now that you know all of the details, it’s time to do my fun job!

11 random facts about me

1) I love the Asian culture
2) My favorite celebrity is Ariana Grande
3) My boyfriend and I have been together for almost three years ❤
4) My favorite color is teal
5) My favorite animals are pandas and puppies
6) I went to Seoul, South Korea this past summer
7) I am addicted to Pinterest!
8) I don’t have my driver’s license (I will get it soon!)
9) I love my church family
10) I am the middle child in between two brothers (aged 15 and 24)
11) My middle name is Malaysia

My Nominees

Note: Some of the nominated bloggers have a little over 200 followers. Why? Because I’m a rebel!….well actually because finding bloggers with under 200 followers is a little difficult. I tried my best and here they are:

 My Answers to melisa’s questions

1. When and why did you start to blog?
I started my blog in September of this year because creating one was required for one of my classes. I plan on continuing Coral Buttons after my class ends because blogging is so much fun!

2. What are your Strengths & Weaknesses?
Strengths: I am motivated, optimistic, hardworking, and a planner
Weakness: I tend to overwork myself and not have enough fun 😦

3. Are you happy on your curent job?
I currently work a desk job at my college and at McDonalds over the summer, so no..I am not really the happiest at my current jobs.

4. If NOT, where do you see yourself (what is your dream job)?
Dream Jobs: Screenwriter, Reporter/Host, Wedding Planner, Interior Decorator, Writer for a fashion magazine.

5.How would you describe your personal fashion style?
Colorful, preppy, and unique.

6. How do you juggle between your 9to5 job, personal life and this blog?
It’s a lot of work! I set aside time for hanging out with friends, talking on the phone with my  boyfriend, and other fun stuff and then set aside time for school work and activities.

7. What is your dream place to visit?
Tokyo, Japan!

8. If they make a movie, who would play you?
Halle Berry!

9. Something you wish to be better at?
Drawing, time management and expressing my emotions and opinions.

10. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Colorful Energetic Perfectionist

11. Favorite movie(by personal experience, doesn’t have to be one :))?
Nine, Sucker Punch, and Beastly!

Questions to my lovely nOMINEES

1) Who is your favorite superhero/villain?
2) What was your favorite vacation spot?
3) Who is your favorite cartoon character?
4) If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be?
5) What was the funniest joke you ever heard?
6) How long have you known your best friend?
7) Jumpsuits/Rompers or Harem Pants?
8) What is your favorite accessory?
9) Who is your fashion role model?
10) What color is your closet full of?
11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?

This post is pretty long, but it was so much fun to write. I hope it is just as much fun to read! Congrats to all of my nominees and once again thanks so much Melisa for nominating me. Don’t forget to check out Mel’s blog too: !