Book Review: Becoming by Michelle Obama

Happy last day of Motivational March! My advice for today: read Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming.

When I started reading Becoming I went into it knowing it was going to be a great read, but I didn’t know how inspirational and informative it would truly be. It’s a book full of honest high and low life moment for Michelle and Barack Obama and their two girls. Becoming shares so much of Michelle Obama’s personal life from bigger details like marriage, having kids, becoming the first African-American FLOTUS, down to learning to play the piano and her first kiss. It’s a romance, inspirational, and educational novel all in one.


In the first section of her book titled Becoming Me, she focuses mainly on herself as Michelle Robinson.
She discusses growing up living on the second floor of a small apartment in Chicago and how close-knit her and her family are. Her grandfather, nicknamed Southside, brought music and excitement to her otherwise simple, quiet life. Her mom Marian Robinson is a hardworking, professional woman who is a big influence and role model to Mrs. Obama.

She talks about attending Princeton just as her older brother Craig attended before her. She was in Princeton not only as a woman, but also as a minority which was rare in the 1980’s. We learn about graduating from Princeton, getting her first “big girl” job, and even her first encounter with Barack at her law firm and how their bond started to grow.

The chapter titled, Becoming More, takes us deeper into the Obama’s budding relationship. We see her struggle to balance finding her passion in life and possibly considering leaving her lawyer job for something less tense and more exciting. She talks about how Barack always seemed to have it all together while she felt inadequate at times for not having every aspect of her life in perfect order. Barack was way more go with the flow than she was.

Another go with the flow person she encountered was her roommate and close friend Suzanne, who sadly lost her life to cancer at just 27. Suzanne put traveling, partying, and enjoying life to the fullest as a top priority. Suzanne’s zest for life is something that helped Mrs. Obama realize she need to have more fun and cherish the happy and spontaneous times.

Mrs. Obama also shares with us details of her super cute marriage proposal and the Obama wedding in 1992. It’s such a sweet love story.
I love how she shares intimate details with us about her love, it’s relatable and honest.

In this chapter she also dives head first into political and overall career details. She tells the encouraging story of how she started running a non-profit titled, Public Allies, where the mission was to fight for an equal and higher salary in the workplace. While running her non-profit, this was also around the time where Barack started to run for office and where the couple had fertility issues and a miscarriage. These were aspects of her life that she didn’t need to share, but shared it because she knew that her story would help others facing similar challenges.

Luckily she was able to get pregnant and give birth to Malia and Natasha, nicknamed Sasha, a few years later. As if she didn’t already have a lot on her plate, she was now balancing work, motherhood, and being a new wife. To me, Mrs. Obama was proving that life was all about balancing and how to keep the scale from tipping to heavily on one side or the other. She was balancing being humble yet confident, a boss yet a mom, a wife yet an individual. She was also
balancing Barack Obama running for president and her strong feelings against him running at same time, but still trying to be supportive.


I don’t follow politcals as well as I should so I don’t know or understand a lot of political terms, but Mrs. Obama was able to easily put the poltical world into laymans term throughout the book so that it was simple to comprehend. There’s a lot that goes on in the political world that we as citizens don’t know about and wouldn’t know about unless someone like Mrs. Obama shared those details. She dealt with hurtful political backlash about herself and about Barack Obama as well. She had to learn how to properly campaign and give speeches and rally people in neighborhoods to go out and vote which is not easy to learn.

In the final chapter of the book titled, Becoming More, we see Barack Obama become the 44th president of the United States and the first black family to serve in the White House. She details how the family has to move to D.C., enroll the girls in good schools, and redesign some areas of the White House to make it feel more at home such as adding a MLK bust and starting a garden. She even chooses to share with us small details like the codenames Secret Service gave everyone in the family. She shares the story of the lovely bond between her and the Bidens n their kids. These are life moments that we don’t fully get to see from the outside, but she felt that sharing it was impactful.

She shows that life in the White House was difficult and intense at times, but she knew the work that her and Barack Obama was doing was important and effective. During her time as FLOTUS she set up three initiatives like Let’s Move! to get kids eating healthier and being more active, Let Girls Learn which mentored young girls and let them know that they could be anyone or anything they wanted to be and also Joining Forces which provided better support for troops and their families as far as rehabilitation and obtaining jobs.

She tells us honestly about her dislike of the division politics causes in the country and the fact that she didn’t really understand military life until she started campaigning and became FLOTUS. She also tells about the heartbreak, but also relief that that comes with leaving the White House after 8 long years.


I believe that her goal with all of the stories she tells throughout Becoming is to inspire children and adults alike, no matter the race, gender, or even political beliefs and to me she succeeded in doing that.

If I shared every detail I loved about the book I could probably write my own book on it so I shared what I could without giving away too much. I hope this review made you want to run out and by the book, I promise that it’s worth it. Have a lovely day!

Daya by Zendaya Bomber

Hello lovelies!

I apologize for the delay on this look, it was suppose to be up on my blog way sooner but here it is.

I have to say this is one of my favorite looks ever and its super simple to put together and comfortable.

daya 1

I purchased the blush bomber  from Daya by Zendaya. A clothing line started by the outspoken, inspirational, and beautiful Zendaya Coleman.

Not only did I want to support her because she is an amazing role model and a black business owner, but also because I never saw a bomber as chic as this one. Her prices are also affordable!

daya 2

The color is gorgeous and it is long! Leave it zipped for a chic look in itself or if you leave it open its a perfect jacket to throw over almost anything…dresses, a top and skirt/pants, or how I wore it.

daya 3

I paired the bomber with a black crop top from Charlotte Russe, black leggings from Forever 21, and black boots from Nordstrom.

Head over to to check out this bomber and other stylish gear!

Wonder Woman – Empowering, Emotional, and Inspirational

Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing an early showing of Wonder Woman with my boyfriend Shawn.

This movie gets a 10/10 for more! It was truly amazing. Superhero films may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but this wasn’t just a film about a superheroine.

Wonder Woman touched on women’s rights, the truth about war, racism, sexism, and so much more. Gal Gadot stunned in costume and as an actress. She played a truly believable, kick-butt, strong and determined Wonder Woman. In short, she was a BOSS!


The soundtrack was engaging and aesthetically pleasing, never a dull moment in the plot, and of course had it’s fair share of twists and turns. I just wanted to give a shoutout to this movie here on Coral Buttons to motivate you to go out and see it!

If you need some inspiration, a kick in the butt to get you going with some goals or situations you are facing, go see this movie! You will be able to see parts of Wonder Woman displayed in your own life ❤

Have a lovely weekend everyone and go see the movie, you won’t regret it!

Breaking Fashion Rules!

Good morning everyone and happy almost weekend! Today I want to focus on a topic that I am really passionate about: breaking fashion rules.

I am sure that you’ve heard one, some, or all of these rules listed below:

1) Dont wear white after labor day
2) Don’t mix prints or patterns
3) Sequins or sparkle is only for nighttime
4) Everyone should have *insert item here* in their wardrobe

If I had a way to delete these fashion rules and others from our society I would! I recently wore the outfit pictured in this post which “broke” one of the rules: mixing prints.

Both my top and skirt were tribal print but different variations of it. Some people would literally freak out over that, but I don’t.

Fashion is all about creating your own style and being original. So when I wear a black and white crop top with a seafoam green skirt, both with patterns on them, I should feel stylish and chic and not have to worry about breaking rules.

I paired this look with black heels because of the black in my top, and I felt that it truly tied the look together. I want to encourage you to break these fashion rules and others on a daily basis.

If you want to wear white after labor day, do so, white is a great color to wear as jeans, tops, shoes and even accessories. Sequins and sparkle are perfectly fine any time of the day whether you are just going out for a walk in the park, to work, or out to party.

Also, don’t worry about that one item everyone should have in their wardrobe because you don’t want to dress like everyone else. Have items in your closet that you love.

I hope this post motivated you to break these rules and do fashion your way; have fun with it!

Enjoy your weekend lovelies!

2017 is coming…Are you ready?

The weather is getting colder, we are actually expecting snow this weekend in Baltimore!

Christmas is 12 days away, the new year is 19 days away…this year has flown by.

2017 will be here before you know it, but are you ready for it?

Are you ready to reach your dreams and goals in 2017? What are some of the major changes you are looking forward to next year?

Here is a list of 5 of my own goals for the new year:

1) Submit articles to online magazines and maybe become a blogger or regular contributor for them

2) Reach out to more stylists, fashion bloggers, and people who run their own fashion related companies on social media and look into collaborating with them and/or becoming a brand ambassador

3) Redo/improve my blog and post weekly

4) Buy a new laptop and video camera to start working on my own youtube channel

5) Look into more fashion related events I can attend in Baltimore

There is a #1 goal that will also take place next year that I will announce early in the new year with all of the details in another blog post.

Stay positive as Christmas and New Year rolls around. You can achieve all of your wildest dreams and aspirations, just work hard at it!

Love Tati  ❤

And below is a picture of me embracing this cold weather lol ~


Hello Fall, Goodbye Summer!

Yesterday was the first day of fall for 2016 ! Fall is my second favorite season after spring. I get to wear over-sized sweaters, warm patterned leggings, and break out the cute boots I haven’t seen since last winter.

Instead of an outfit shot today, I put together a little fall mood board. This is just a few things that gets me excited and inspired for the fall.


Fall trees: the red and orange trees signify change is coming and change is a positive and neceesary thing. I am welcoming change this fall.

Lipstick: you have to pamper yourself every once in a while. I don’t wear makeup often but when I do, gorgeous lipstick is a must. And this color is perfect for fall.

Sweater and booties: helps you stay warm and walk through all of the storms and chilly weather fall brings. And look stylish while doing it!

Cookies and a warm drink: makes me think about being cozy and comfortable. Every once in a while you have to take a step back from your busy life and enjoy the little things.

I hope my moodboard is as motivational and inspirational to you as it is to me. Try creating one of your own and let me know how it goes! ❤

Be Inspired <3

Some quotes are serious, others are sad, and some are truly hilarious. Sometimes quotes can be motivational and inspirational. Celebrities are always talking and they give a lot of advice, but sometimes that advice is overlooked or misunderstood. Here are a few uplifting celebrity quotes and how you can apply them to your daily life.

1) “If you are feeling low, don’t despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night, but it comes back up every morning.” – Dolly Parton

What Ms. Parton is saying here is that it is okay to be sad for a season because that depression or sadness shall past. Brighter days are in your future and you may not see them right now, but they are surely coming soon.

2) “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” – CoCo Chanel

Why would you want to be like everybody else? You should strive to be different and unique and be the best you you can be. Coco is telling you that you will leave your mark on this Earth by standing out and above the crowd. If you do that, you can’t be beat!

3) “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn

What Audrey Hepburn is telling you is to follow your dreams no matter what. Don’t let any dream seem to big or too small. If a dream seems impossible, remember that it actually is possible. Work hard at it and don’t let anything or anyone stop you from reaching your goals and dreams.

4) “Smile and let everyone know that today, you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.” – Drake

Believe it or not, smiling helps you feel happier and more confident. Whether you are having the worst day or the best day, try to smile through the struggle. Who knows, your smile might bring joy to someone else who is struggling as well. Drake believes that you are stronger than you were yesterday and so should you!

5) “I don’t know what my path is yet. I’m just walking on it.” – Olivia Newton-John

I think that this is a perfect quote for college students or college grads. It’s terrifying and stressful figuring out what you want to do with your life, but sometimes a path is laid out in front of you. All you have to do is walk the path, hope for the best, stay motivated, and truly believe that you will reach that final destination at the end of the path.