5 Quotes That Will Uplift Your Day

Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday so far! For day six of Motivational March my tip is: Find a few quotes that speak to you in your current situation.

No matter what life is throwing at you right now, understand that you will make it. Stay strong, focused, and motivated!


Below are 5 quotes that will uplift your day!

1) “Your bounce back is always going to be greater than your setback.” – Jeannie Mai, Stylist, TV personality & Host

My tip: You may feel knocked down by whatever challenges you are facing right now, but just know that once you get back on your feet, you will be stronger than ever.

2) “I don’t know what my path is yet, I’m just walking on it.” – Olivia Newton-John, Singer-Songwriter

My tip: You may be confused about what path is the correct one to take in life and that is ok. Just take life a day at a time and remember that baby steps are still steps!

3) “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis, Writer

My tip: Don’t focus so much on the past. You can remember it and grow from it, but realize that you have a whole future in front of you that you can make amazing.


4) “A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.” – Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

My tip: Go for it! It’s easy to play it safe, but that’s not what’s best. Get out of your comfort zone, embrace the changes, and you will soon realize your new space is way better than your safe space.

5) “Surround yourself with only people  who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey, Media Executive, TV Host & Producer, Philanthropist

My tip: I see this quote as a reminder to have positive and uplifting people around you. You want to grow with like-minded and supportive people. Negative energy has no place around you.


Have a great day and remember, you got this!

Coral Buttons: An Origin Story

Happy first day of March everyone! I realized that some of you may be new to reading my blog so why not share the story of how Coral Buttons came to be.


My blog, Coral Buttons, originated in one of my Communication Arts classes at Hood College. I went to college initially thinking that I wanted to major in English, but after a few Comm Arts classes, I fell in love with communications. I enjoyed the fact that communications encompassed so many platforms such as photography, digital media, social media, newspaper and magazine writing, and journalism.

One of the assignments for my class was to create a blog and post weekly or more often if I chose to. I’ve loved writing since I was younger and it came easy for me so blogging for a class seemed like fun work. Before I dove into writing posts, I had to actually create the blog. We used WordPress as our blog site, which I clearly still use to this day.

Our first step after setting up a WordPress profile and choosing our blog layout, was to pick a topic. Growing up, I watched wedding and fashion shows sometimes more than cartoons…don’t judege me! So even from a young age I knew that fashion and styling was an interest of mine so I decided to choose fashion as my overall blog theme.

The next step was picking a name. I struggled with this for a while and googled blog titles non-stop for a few days until I stumbled upon a great blog title template. The template said choose one of your favorite colors and something related to your blog and that can be your blog title. One of my favorite colors is Coral and buttons relate to fashion so put the two together and Coral Buttons was formed.


My professor loved the title and so did I. Once I gave my blog a name, in a weird way, I felt that I gave birth to a blog baby. I created this website from scratch and now it was mine to do as I wished with it.

The final step in Coral Buttons origin story was to write. As I mentioned above, I already had a love for writing before the class began. All I had to do was write 200-500 word posts and include some pictures and videos and bam, I was blogging. The more posts I wrote, the more I realized that blogging was not just homework for me but also a hobby that I enjoyed. I got to write about things that interested me and offer advice to people who were reading it and gave people a glimpse into my style, my ideas, and events happening in my life.

After the class ended I didn’t want to stop blogging because i fell in love with it. Going on six years later, Coral Buttons is stronger and better than ever. Hope you enjoyed learning about my blog history!



Also, its Day 1 of Motivational March so throughout the month I will be sharing motivational tips and advice to help inspire you. Tip of the day:

Remember that everyone has an origin story. Oprah didn’t start off as  one of the best TV hosts ever. Serena Williams didn’t start off as the #1 tennis player in the world. Barack Obama didnt start off as the first African American president.
Each one started off in a different space compared to where they are now, so whether you are at the start or middle of your journey or you’re completed lost on your journey, just know you have more to your story. 👏🏽

Have a great weekend!
